Friday, 15 May 2015

Giving feedback to feedback

What is your own personal response to the animation you have been produced?
•          What is your response to the feedback you have received?
•          Based on this level of response, how could you have improved your production?
•          Will you make these improvements to your production based on your feedback?

firstly I will start with the Adams comment on my padlet about my animation


Firstly I will comment on the sounds which I used, I thank you for that comment because overall I think it is the best part of my animation, I used two pieces of sound which I used of on the same layer, as you can see here.

I agree it does run pretty cleanly but there is one part which I do not think runs that smooth and that is the part when he flips over the gap, I think he takes too long jumping over, therefore I think I should of separated the movements a lot more than I did, as you can see in this gif

I also agree the stages of the stick man are good, but it is not a stickman, it is not just lines which I have drawn on him, also I did that by drawing lots of movements which I could use again, making it easier for me.

Also I think the rating suits it, which was a rating of 4 to round it up

The reason he changes when he skids is because I could not make that part run really well with the rest. it is a part which I would probably go over again if I had a chance and make it run much more smoothly that it runs in the animation at the moment.

What kind of thing which I was aiming for it to look kind of animation below, something random that a lot of these videos have, which does not make sense at all and also I was aiming for the same kind of movement but not as advanced obviously

Alex's Response 

Good use of sound, it fit really well into the animation
Good use of technique with the Slo-motion shot
Animation flows smoothly
Character design is simple but effective
The skid at the end was either cool or lazy animating... I don't judge
Small Gap in the stage on the left
The character changes at the end quite noticeably
The spikes in the pit looked brown which could either be rust
RATING OUT OF 5: 4/5- Good idea and good techniques used, only let down by minor flaws.

 firstly I talked about the sound above in my other response, you will be able to find that there so I will not have to repeat myself for no reason

The slow motion shot was not what I was aiming for, it just ended up being like that due to me putting to many frames in there, with each one of them movements being too close together, this is something which I would change if I did it again. You can see the jump part in a gif above in the other response

The reason I made the characters design like that is because it made it a lot easier for me to move my characters a lot smoothly

The reason the skid at the end seems like lazy animating is because I found it hard to actually make him look good skidding, this is why I added a sound effect to it, so people knew exactly what was happening.

The spikes which I used, I was going to change but I forgot to change them to how I wanted them, I would change them if I did it again

I think that is a suitable rating.

Now I will evaluate myself

How do I feel about the work I produced?

I feel that there was parts which I could of greatly improved if I had knew what I was doing straight away, I would of probably had more time to make certain things much better than they are, things such as the movement of the characters, I would of probably made the movement a lot better, things such as the how the legs move and the look of the characters changing, how the body looks for each character, Making them look more alike.

What is Audience feedback?

This is what I have just did at the top, it is responding to the feedback you have on your piece of work, talk about why you think they gave you that kind of response, maybe question some of the things which they said and say how you could of probably improved it.

Will I consider improvements?

I would most likely consider a lot of these improvements in my feedback which is things such as improving the movement and probably change certain parts of it such as the quality of the overall drawing to it, Such as the spikes, I would like to make them look a lot more realistic, this is the main thing I would want to change 

Friday, 8 May 2015

How its made

i first set out to make an animation, I had multiple different ideas which i was debating on doing but in the end i just chose this one. The idea was to have a guy jumping over a hole which had spikes covered in blood inside it. So that is what I set out to do

Step one:

I first started by doing my background, at first i was going to do it in photoshop, the background of course, but i made it in flash instead because it was much less work for me to do in general. This is the background I came up with.

I decided to come up with this kind of background because I thought it fitted to what i was going, if I was going to go back and do this background again i would of probably changed certain parts of it such as the spikes, I would of probably made them look more realistic than they look

Step Two 

I then decided that i was going to draw the characters, which i needed for it, I drawn around 5 different characters, the reason I had to draw different characters is because of different movements which I needed, for example, from him running to him jumping, They needed different movements. I drew them and converted them to symbol graphics, this allowed me to use them in the future.

Step Three

This is when I first started animating, it here, this is just what it looks like when each one of them is put together after each other with onion skin. The way I did this was, I drawn on each keyframe, the way I did this was, draw on a keyframe and then right click on the next frame
and click on create new keyframe.

The way I did it was, put one movement in a keyframe and the next moment that goes after it, put it in the next keyframe. This is what it looked like after just doing the first part of it

I kept on doing this throughout the whole animation, just adding the different movements which I made throughout the whole thing to match what kind of action he will be doing

 this one here is when I was around halfway through the animation, I was yet to add sound and credits that is what I was going to do last

Then after I just carried this on until I have did the whole animation, I then had to move onto sound, I found sound which I got from youtube, one of them was someone sliding across the floor and the other one was someone running and jumping.

I downloaded the sound effects using youtube converter and then I used audicity because Audition was not working, I simply cut the sound up so it fitted what I was doing in the animation, I then exported the sound as an WAV file because Adobe Flash does not work usually with MP3 files.

Then for the next part, which was adding my titles and credits, I had to do in Adobe Premiere. I put my flash animation in as a Quick Time File and opened it up in Adobe Premiere in another computer which had the program. I then added my titles and credits which I can not show in screenshots at the moment because I have not got it at home.

This is my finished animation

If I was going to go back and make this I would probably many things different, firstly I would of did my movements different, I would of practised my drawing a lot more so I can make the movements look better and more like they are connected to each other more smooth.

I would of also went back and changed my background, for example, I would of liked to add more things into it, like a sun and so on. I was going to do an arrow going under him when he jumps but I did not have time to do, but it would of been something which I would of liked to add into it

I would of also liked to add some more different animations into it with the arrow, such as him doing something before he jumps over the gap.