Friday, 8 May 2015

How its made

i first set out to make an animation, I had multiple different ideas which i was debating on doing but in the end i just chose this one. The idea was to have a guy jumping over a hole which had spikes covered in blood inside it. So that is what I set out to do

Step one:

I first started by doing my background, at first i was going to do it in photoshop, the background of course, but i made it in flash instead because it was much less work for me to do in general. This is the background I came up with.

I decided to come up with this kind of background because I thought it fitted to what i was going, if I was going to go back and do this background again i would of probably changed certain parts of it such as the spikes, I would of probably made them look more realistic than they look

Step Two 

I then decided that i was going to draw the characters, which i needed for it, I drawn around 5 different characters, the reason I had to draw different characters is because of different movements which I needed, for example, from him running to him jumping, They needed different movements. I drew them and converted them to symbol graphics, this allowed me to use them in the future.

Step Three

This is when I first started animating, it here, this is just what it looks like when each one of them is put together after each other with onion skin. The way I did this was, I drawn on each keyframe, the way I did this was, draw on a keyframe and then right click on the next frame
and click on create new keyframe.

The way I did it was, put one movement in a keyframe and the next moment that goes after it, put it in the next keyframe. This is what it looked like after just doing the first part of it

I kept on doing this throughout the whole animation, just adding the different movements which I made throughout the whole thing to match what kind of action he will be doing

 this one here is when I was around halfway through the animation, I was yet to add sound and credits that is what I was going to do last

Then after I just carried this on until I have did the whole animation, I then had to move onto sound, I found sound which I got from youtube, one of them was someone sliding across the floor and the other one was someone running and jumping.

I downloaded the sound effects using youtube converter and then I used audicity because Audition was not working, I simply cut the sound up so it fitted what I was doing in the animation, I then exported the sound as an WAV file because Adobe Flash does not work usually with MP3 files.

Then for the next part, which was adding my titles and credits, I had to do in Adobe Premiere. I put my flash animation in as a Quick Time File and opened it up in Adobe Premiere in another computer which had the program. I then added my titles and credits which I can not show in screenshots at the moment because I have not got it at home.

This is my finished animation

If I was going to go back and make this I would probably many things different, firstly I would of did my movements different, I would of practised my drawing a lot more so I can make the movements look better and more like they are connected to each other more smooth.

I would of also went back and changed my background, for example, I would of liked to add more things into it, like a sun and so on. I was going to do an arrow going under him when he jumps but I did not have time to do, but it would of been something which I would of liked to add into it

I would of also liked to add some more different animations into it with the arrow, such as him doing something before he jumps over the gap.

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